Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Enchanted Dolls

For about 5 years now, I have been lurking around the Enchanted Doll site...
For the same amout of time have wanted, for myself, an Enchanted Doll.

Marina Bychkova was born in the South-Western Siberia, Russia. But later on in life, immigrated to our lovely Vancouver, Canada.

With work, time and effort, Marina has created what I call, "The Most Beautiful Porcelain Dolls". It goes without saying, that these ball jointed dolls aren't just any dolls, they are art, and where there is art, there is a pricetag. The dolls range from 3 000$ to a whopping 20 000$. But Hey! These dolls look real.

Marina once said, she tries to give a different emotion with each doll. I guess that's what gives them the "real" look to them.

Well, she sure got me hooked, they are precious. Until I can afford one, I can only dream and look through pictures again.

All pictures are from EnchantedDoll.com

WARNING: Picture Heavy + Doll Nudity
 The Mermaid Song

Extravagance Shoes (Sterling silver)
2011 Exhibition Dolls
Marina and Echo

I might even try making my own ball jointed doll one day...

-- Josée Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Monday, July 9, 2012

Japanese Street Fashion

I find there is something very intriguing with japanese street fashion, and I'm not quite sure what it is; colors, patterns...etc. Everything is over the top, and I love it!

If you can find a way to express yourself, well, you do just that!

I've read somewhere a post that said, Who cares if she's fake and wears a lot of make-up, if that makes her feel pretty, fine!

That is totaly true, we should never stick to what people say (something I should stop doing), we should just be who we are. Then I realized, this is probably why I find japanese fashion so interesting...They look sooo happy, and as if they dont give a bleep of what others think!

 Warning: Picture Heavy

Photos are from TokyoFashion.com 

And there we have it, a little something for everyone...
You only have one body, dress it the way you want too...

-- Josée Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ